ECIB Insider

Useful Tips for Filing a Cargo Claim

Freight carriers and insurance company adjusters are often demanding and difficult to communicate...

The 3 Main Purposes of Incoterms®

Every international shipment involves multiple steps, costs, changes in ownership, and risks for...

Cargo Insurance Market – Three Current Perspectives

Over the past several quarters, the overall cargo insurance market has been on a hardening trend....

Managing Supply Chain Risk Amid Trade Disruption

A supply chain can be a complex network of shifting variables, each impacted by events outside of...

What is Carrier Legal Liability?

Regardless of your level of involvement in supply chain logistics, you may have heard the term ...

Does Your Cargo Insurance Policy Cover a Supply Chain Stoppage?

Those persons, cities, and countries feeling the impact of the novel coronavirus outbreak are in...

Claims Data in Action [VIDEO]

When most logistics managers think of cargo claims, they have money on the mind....

How to Protect Your People, Facility, and Cargo This Hurricane Season

2020 saw a record-breaking number of named storms in the North Atlantic.

Top 5 Most Critical Cargo Claims Documents

At some point, almost every organization that ships a product will experience loss or damage in the...

Understanding General Average [WHITEPAPER]

With all the recent troubles for cargo vessels these days, General Average is becoming a household...